
fun chdir(Path..: any): nil

Changes the current directory to Path.

fun execute(Command..: any): nil | error

Builds a shell command from Command.. and executes it, discarding the output. Returns nil on success or raises an error.

fun mkdir(Path..: any): nil | error

Creates a directory with path Path if it does not exist, creating intermediate directories if required.

fun open(Path: any, Mode: string): file

Opens the file at path Path with the specified mode.

fun print(Values..: any): nil

Prints out Values to standard output.

fun shell(Command..: any): string | error

Builds a shell command from Command.. and executes it, capturing the output. Returns the captured output on success or raises an error.

fun execv(Command: list): nil | error

Similar to execute() but expects a list of individual arguments instead of letting the shell split the command line.

fun shellv(Command: list): nil | error

Similar to shell() but expects a list of individual arguments instead of letting the shell split the command line.

fun defined(Name: string): string | nil

If Name was defined in the rabs command line then returns the associated value, otherwise returns nil.

fun getenv(Name: string): string | nil

Returns the current value of the environment variable Name or nil if it is not defined.

fun include(Path..: string): any

Loads the Minilang file or shared library specified by Path.

fun scope(Name: string, Function: function): any

Creates a new scoped subcontext with name Name and calls Function() in the new context.

fun setenv(Name: string, Value: string): nil

Sets the value of the environment variable Name to Value.

fun subdir(Name: string): context | error

Creates a new directory subcontext with name Name and loads the build.rabs file inside the directory. Returns an error if the directory does not exist or does not contain a build.rabs file.

fun vmount(Path: string, Source: string): nil

Mounts the directory Source onto Path. Resolving a file in Path will also check Source.

fun target(Path: string): target | error

Returns the target with path Path if is has been defined, otherwise raises an error.

fun check(Target..: target): nil

Checks that each Target is up to date, building if necessary.