
type context < any

A build context.

fun context(Path?: string): context

If Path is provided then returns the context with path Path or nil is no such context has been defined. Otherwise returns the current context.

meth (Context: context) :: (Name: string): symbol

Returns the symbol Name resolved in Context.

meth (Context: context) . (Name: string): symbol

Returns the symbol Name resolved in Context.

meth (Context: context) / (Name: string): context | nil

Returns the directory-based subcontext of Context named Name, or nil if no such context has been defined.

meth (Context: context) @ (Name: string): context | nil

Returns the scope-based subcontext of Context named Name, or nil if no such context has been defined.

meth (Context: context):exports: list

Returns a list of symbols defined in Context.

meth (Context: context):in(Function: function): any

Calls Function() in the context of Context.

meth (Context: context):name: string

Returns the name of Context.

meth (Context: context):parent: context | nil

Returns the parent context of Context, or nil if Context is the root context for the build.

meth (Context: context):path: string

Returns the path of Context.